can you please put all your suggestions in the feedback section? seriously
so what's your suggestion?

I suggest Poptart lower the price he's selling his weapon. =D
I suggest that all poptarts be banished from the AL realm for no less than 15 years
I suggest online and offline hits to be a fed jailable offense.
Attacks should only be dished out to retired or inactive players.Thanx

biffbaffboff Wrote:I suggest online and offline hits to be a fed jailable offense.
Attacks should only be dished out to retired or inactive players.Thanx 
offline attacks after 40 minutes the the happiness refreshes faster
to meet everyones need for xp inactives shoud stay regain health faster and not go to the hosp
the npc should go back to the original coding. they had very little hospital stays and returned to full health after only 1 turn.
Nightrain Wrote:the npc should go back to the original coding. they had very little hospital stays and returned to full health after only 1 turn.
Didnt know that but it seems like a great idea!
Yes it does. Lets get it started, meow.