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Rafal has actually gotten a lot further then it looks like. He actually helped me get the level 20 endurance, around 4mill cash. So he could've had a better house or much more endurance. And he has also helped me get a better house.

So not only has he got a better account then most people here, he has been really generous, sacrificing a big progress to help mates.
bigchaz Wrote:should change it to donation needed to be competitive

That's not true. Look how far the Original Poster has gotten in this game, trust me, he's no slouch by any means. And again, take Rafal into consideration. The guy has donated $5 and has gotten extremely far in this game. He has the level race beat by a long shot right now, that's huge and quite impressive.
ok yes if you have been here forever you may not need to donate as much as other to get to the top . maybe this is the reason only 800 people sign in this game daily and over 20,000 signed up
bigchaz Wrote:ok yes if you have been here forever you may not need to donate as much as other to get to the top . maybe this is the reason only 800 people sign in this game daily and over 20,000 signed up
find a text based rpg where you dont have to donate to be good, that gets 800+ people sign in per day,


bigchaz Wrote:ok yes if you have been here forever you may not need to donate as much as other to get to the top . maybe this is the reason only 800 people sign in this game daily and over 20,000 signed up

ohmy god you are like a old woman you NAG too much there is other ways around this End thing ask your gang for credits
i would call it more like having a discussion which i am entitled to my own say. i have decent end i have donated over 100 on it and have spent countless game cash on it im not like the other people in the other threads bitching because thier end is low


your the one going i thought this was a free game have you learnt nothing in your life nothing I MEAN NOTHING is free in the real world or in the gaming world.
The thing is, without putting in the hours of playing time all the endurance in the world will get you nothing. I respect all those out there, who havent donated like me to get where they are today. That takes incredible patience and longevity. I understand what you are saying, but this game is free, it has been proven you can rise to top tiers without major rl cash being put into it. The difference is how fast you want to rise in the game. Yes rl cash help immensely if you know how to use it, but without countless hours over a long period of time...note...look at the top players in the game and how long they have been cant get to the top anyways.

And as was said before, you can train endurance, just pick the right career...geez


Personally i hate the end training day.That does not mean that others feel the same about it.I donate for my END and use my crime money for gym trainer.This leave no free cash for me to buy from the market.

Those that chose not to donate for END should not participate in gang wars and save all the crime money to buy credits from the market.Its slow but it will get you there one day.If a END day does come along im sure they will be happy but i wont be training it.

There are so many ways to pillage your cash on AL.. what with travel costs,stims,items,gym trainer,Nimbus's,college courses, skill tests, that if you chose to go the non donator way then its best to take a slow and careful approach to everything you do.Its one big money suck so free...hmm well not really.

Not everyone has grandiose ambitions to be no1 or no20 alot just like to wage personal wars or get simple achievements and thats fine.



A great part of this game is the fact it allows for so many different formulas of playing! There is no one set way you have to play. Take players like Rafal and some others that work there way by without donating. Others donate and still play 16 hours a day. Some donate a lot and don't even play at all.
It's good to see people get creative who don't want drop heavy cash on the game. All the more reason I like to sit on the comp for endless hours per day!
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