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I dont know what anyone thinks, but this new combat code needs some serious tweaking in my opinion. One of the people I attack every so often, who I usually killed in 8-12 hits while possibly taking one hit now has managed a stalemate. now i dont mind this game getting a little harder, but we have talked before and have exchanged attribute info and there is just no way our fights should ever make it to a stalemate. wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences and whatthey think.

OK, I was just attacking someone and when he got down to critical condition it came up and said he doesnt have enough life and killed the fight as well as taking away all the energy that the fight normally costs me.


Well I know that combat has certianly gotten quite a bit harder, seeing my armalite do 1 dmg to someone is very a very saddening experience! It seem that dmg has been reduced by quite a lot, or at least the range of dmg has been extended. It seems that now instead of a certian weapon doing 40-60 dmg, it does 1-60dmg, giving a MUCH lower average. Any clerification as to what has actualy been changed would be good.

*edit* - Someone with a colt manhunter II took half my life, I have an armalite peacekeeper and his gun was doing more damage then mine several times during the fight, I have the best armor I can buy at my level too so it isn't that!
We will be tweaking things with the new combat code, so please don't get flustered. The combat code needed to be changed for future additions.

The old code basically did full damage, and didn't scale well with high stat ratings. It was a remnant from the old monocountry code-base with modifications to randomize slightly. At high levels, damage in the old code would make things a 1-shot deal (i.e. Zenith hits 666666 for 1,232,134,324 damage, FUN!).

The new code will require some tweaks, no doubt about it. But it was a must needed change. We tested it pretty hard on our beta server, but as with all new additions to the game things will need to be adjusted to make them right.

Bottom line, things WILL be different. Over the last 3 months, 3.7% of all combat attempts ended in a loss by the attacker (most by the same players), which won't be the case anymore. Things won't be as predictable as before. I know this will upset some players, but if someone knows they can beat someone 100% of the time, things need to be changed.

Damages will be tweaked today (doing the calculations as I type).

matt5250 Wrote:One of the people I attack every so often, who I usually killed in 8-12 hits while possibly taking one hit now has managed a stalemate.

This is exactly why things needed to change. If this is just an XP attack, this is basically free XP for no risk.

matt5250 Wrote:OK, I was just attacking someone and when he got down to critical condition it came up and said he doesnt have enough life and killed the fight as well as taking away all the energy that the fight normally costs me.

This is obviously something that needs to be fixed. Don't worry, we are working on it.

Scipio Wrote:Well I know that combat has certianly gotten quite a bit harder, seeing my armalite do 1 dmg to someone is very a very saddening experience! It seem that dmg has been reduced by quite a lot, or at least the range of dmg has been extended. It seems that now instead of a certian weapon doing 40-60 dmg, it does 1-60dmg, giving a MUCH lower average. Any clerification as to what has actualy been changed would be good.

Again, this wasn't the desired result, but we can only test so much over a month's time before we have to throw it at the live server and see what needs to be fixed.


ya, but its totally unrealistic to have someone who is significantly lower in attributes and level have any chance of winning the fight. It would be like a decent racing driver versus a good driver who just drives on city streets, the racer will always win. (well 99%). or like an average 12 year old fighting an average 20 year old. no real contest. Its realistic if you are significantly stronger you should win pretty much all the time. It shouldn't have to be Matt Hughes versus an infant for it to be a sure thing. I agree people shouldnt be doing full damage all the time, but it should still work out so that its just as easy to kill the people. even in the old system I have lost to people I thought I should win against based on stats and equipment.


zenith Wrote:Zenith hits 666666 for 1,232,134,324 damage

i think i missed that fight
Damage has been increased.


Nice, thx very much.


I like the new code. I like the enhanced feedback that the combat gives to the attacking player. People will figure out who the "soft" targets are, making resistance more important in the game (it was the least important of the stats). Your armalite doing 1 point against someone. Attack someone else with worse armor or worse resistance.
Things I like the most:
Format of the end of combat options not near the attacking area
Armor feedback within combat
Refreshing screen gives meaningful error message (thank you wierd IE 7 glitch)
Dex allowing initiative
Things I like least:
Attacking a person forces you to move the mouse up and down to click on the same weapon, based on the results of the previous round
Police come too early (or damage isn't quite high enough) (might have been fixed per Zenith's last post in this thread)


i dont quite agree with zen this time
if i cannot surely defeat someone who is obviously weaker,then why should i keep training ?
the random damage makes me feel that good weapon r useless now.
now i ve abandoned my t-250,and switch to melee weapon.
and i think if u think the new code is better,then would u mind let us know how it calculates damage, then i may get used to it.


fading, have you tried attacking since the damage was changed, the new code works pretty well now. there is still a large range but it averages out to a much more reasonable number now.
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