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Full Version: ap refresh and energy refresh
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why didnt it refresh while the game was down
Very good point. Watch out! I bet Marlo's stronger now... lol
she probally fixed the hospital code for all you whiners :cry:
Nothing refreshed because the server was not running. The refresh is most likely a script or service that runs every 5 minutes against the database. When the service was not running, the updates don't occur. The same thing has happened each time there was an outtage. I am certain it is easier for zen to just let us lose the minutes than to try to manually add x AP and EP to all of us. There is a lot of risk in trying to manually correct for something like is easier to leave it alone.


McCule Wrote:Very good point. Watch out! I bet Marlo's stronger now... lol

I get stronger by every refresh. When those refreshes don't come it is because I have beaten w00k and the server has gone into shock.
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