real quick one here
you pick a district, for a fee, to call home. your zip code so to speak. default district would be downtown.
while in your home district you enjoy a slight defensive boost.
if not in the district your defensive skills slightly drop.
hearthstone? googling it gives me assisted living homes, log home builders, bed n breakfast... what do you mean?
Home is where the hearth is.
I like the idea. If you're trying to fight me on my home turf, you better bring a big gun cus I know where to hide, what trees to climb, ect.
Plus, a wise man once said, home is where the hearth is.
psheehan78 Wrote:I like the idea. If you're trying to fight me on my home turf, you better bring a big gun cus I know where to hide, what trees to climb, ect.
home is where you make it
^^^ i agree

Good idea, and your home turf should be where you home is. You have paid your fee to live there, when you bought your house.
If you want that advantage in another district, then you sell your Beach house, and buy a cardboard box.
justink420 Wrote:If you want that advantage in another district, then you sell your Beach house, and buy a cardboard box.
You can hire
A lberto
L uccozi Contracting to build your Arcology Mansion Downtown. For a lofty fee, of course.