So I was just wondering what the general consensus would be on something like this. What do people think about have another option for us to use energy on. Something that does reduce happiness, or at least reduces it less than the energy that is used. This other option could be something like "study" to gain intelligence in small amounts (maybe 2-5% of what you gain in accuracy). another possibility could be "overtime" where you gain small amounts of work experience (again maybe 2-5% of normal). There could also be something where you make some money (depending on your attributes and how much energy you use).
If Chris likes it then all you need now is Sam I Am to agree now to get it instated into the game
lol, I wish. I think there might be one other person that, just maybe, has to like the idea as well.
i like the idea

I agree, and being a martial arts instructor myself, if you take the martial arts course, there should be modifications to training Endurance and Resistance. Could possible add a grappling, armbars and wrist locks courses to the schools to increase stats. Then training could possible increase multiple things (Endurance and Resistance)(Resistance and Intelligence)etc.
What do you teach eagle, I used to teach taekwondo but have recently switched and am training in mma. getting my ground game up to par mostly.
I teach 2 different Okinawa karate styles, teach/learning Small Circle Jujitsu and starting to work with one of the guys at the Firehouse on Gracie Jujitsu
i am taking gracie jiu jitsu at there academy in torrance. it is really informative.
I was thinking another option would be something that would make you gain extra stats on the course you're taking. for example, you could get an extra 1% on the course stats for every 20 energy used, or it could be level dependent and you get 1% for one full train.