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Full Version: my fellow Borgs
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First we should start actuining off everyone who is in Fed jail's humanity. They should also all be stripped and thrown into downtown.
I disagree you choose to be a Borg and if you don't like it suffer the reparations of your actions. That's why your mom always said think before you act. Plus selling your humanity is giving a piece of your Al body away. Besides that where could you place a second arm if you had a bionic arm was their. If their was a way to remove bionic parts and replace them with your old part, but to get parts from other players is just wrong. I mean that's how the guy in Mortal Combat got four arms.


mock my mum dont play this game what mum dont know wont hurt her lol
Would be fun to mug an arm or a kidney!


Can non-borgs have the option of selling our AL souls on an eBay kind of market? It reduces our humanity to 0, but it can be sold for a price dependent on the winning bid.
Well, for sure, if selling souls is part of the deal, a preacher is required.


Mock the guy from mortal kombat comes from a race of beings with four arms

back on topic I'd never sell my humanity and i'll never buy borgs


dirk u will buy borg trust


nan i like being 100% human and i think borgs are a waste of cash when i can upgrade my housing and end
At higher level, Borg is not bad. You trade 45 days of activity for 1 level in stats.

Let say you traded 3 humanity to increase your Strength or Accuracy by 7 Stats.

1 hour, you will only lose 36 happiness. If you trained 12 hours a day, you lose 432 happiness a day.

What's 432 happiness worth to you? For high level, maybe 2 to 3 full train a day? If you are able to get a train or two when you take a piss at night. It's pretty much even up the odd.

The only different is.

You have 7 Stats ahead of the other guy.
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