ArtVandelay Wrote:Behemoth do you honestly believe that he would never stop? Getting hospitalized for a day is not a big thing. My advice if something like this happens again:
a) Stop talking drek
b) Stay in serious condition
c) Genuinely ask them to stop
d) Get stronger and turn the tables on them some day
My advice to you Behemoth:
A) Never stop talking shit, this game revolves around it, and obviously has some pretty entertaining results.
Err Wrote:Hospitalizing people are a part of the game and it's gonna happen.
B) Play as you normally would, because in a game like this Serious condition is fleeting, but another players determination isn't.
C) Tell them to blow their sanctimonious BS out the back end.
D) Don't listen to sycophants.
ArtVandelay Wrote:Behemoth do you honestly believe that he would never stop? Getting hospitalized for a day is not a big thing. My advice if something like this happens again:
a) Stop talking drek
b) Stay in serious condition
c) Genuinely ask them to stop
d) Get stronger and turn the tables on them some day
Do I...Do I see gums flapping? That aren't around my junk?! Perposterous!
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Who's doing that? I ask a question, you get to making 'I dun wanna do this and that and whatever the F else.' :roll:
It is part of the game, but you're making him seem like he's better than everyone else with 'you don't want him to leave because of this,' this being him getting his head tossed around by Marlo ONCE.
Well, that was not the point of my post and if it came across that way then I did a bad job. The point was just that I would not want to see a player leave over a mistake made by Zenith and myself.
And in regards to your question, you asked if hospitalizing people until they quit was OK, and I don't want to get into that old discussion in this thread.
Well, I for one know it's not exactly a treat to turn tides with that because people will be saying 'Bias bias bias,' like I am right now to you. Not for Marlo winning, because I know, first-hand, that it IS possible to win because of some random hung-over opponent syndrome that happens among others, but to the fact that you WON'T respond to my asking you if it is okay for him to hospitalize groups of people all day, 2 days in a row.
(Yes, Custie, whoever wants to run their gums away from my saucy appendages)
Makes no sense that you can't supply an answer there. It'd be more reassuring if you said 'yes, we love this kid because he pays us cash money up front and don't like you because you're a porker.' I'd rather hear some excuse than nothing at all, or 'I can't dignify that question with an answer.'
Marlo Wrote:ArtVandelay Wrote:Behemoth do you honestly believe that he would never stop? Getting hospitalized for a day is not a big thing. My advice if something like this happens again:
a) Stop talking drek
b) Stay in serious condition
c) Genuinely ask them to stop
d) Get stronger and turn the tables on them some day
My advice to you Behemoth:
A) Never stop talking drek, this game revolves around it, and obviously has some pretty entertaining results.
Err Wrote:Hospitalizing people are a part of the game and it's gonna happen.
B) Play as you normally would, because in a game like this Serious condition is fleeting, but another players determination isn't.
C) Tell them to blow their sanctimonious BS out the back end.
D) Don't listen to sycophants.
I gave him advice on a way to stop getting hospitalized. The only time I have ever received a profanity laced tirade from another player is from him specifically. He brings stuff on himself. Sorry if that makes me a sycophant, but I see both sides of this argument.
Talk drek, mock people, call people whatever names you want. However, then live with the consequences, show some maturity, and don't say you're going to quit because you can't insult people without being hospitalized.
ArtVandelay Wrote:Marlo Wrote:ArtVandelay Wrote:Behemoth do you honestly believe that he would never stop? Getting hospitalized for a day is not a big thing. My advice if something like this happens again:
a) Stop talking drek
b) Stay in serious condition
c) Genuinely ask them to stop
d) Get stronger and turn the tables on them some day
My advice to you Behemoth:
A) Never stop talking drek, this game revolves around it, and obviously has some pretty entertaining results.
Err Wrote:Hospitalizing people are a part of the game and it's gonna happen.
B) Play as you normally would, because in a game like this Serious condition is fleeting, but another players determination isn't.
C) Tell them to blow their sanctimonious BS out the back end.
D) Don't listen to sycophants.
I gave him advice on a way to stop getting hospitalized. The only time I have ever received a profanity laced tirade from another player is from him specifically. He brings stuff on himself. Sorry if that makes me a sycophant, but I see both sides of this argument.
Talk drek, mock people, call people whatever names you want. However, then live with the consequences, show some maturity, and don't say you're going to quit because you can't insult people without being hospitalized.
Hey. Gum-bubble. Ever thought that it might have been because of the ego complex that you happen to share with alot of people? Ever happen to think that I don't want, or have, to take your gum-flapping nonsense? Seriously, I didn't care about hospitalizations. I was having a ball making fun of his monkey ass. XD!
It's funny. Marlo made a comment about how no one complained on the forum..And, now, I'll point out..Oh. I wasn't in the complaining party. XD
Easy there Ron Jeremy - Err
I don't think that anyone in Dissidence intends for w00k to want to stop playing and I hope that is not the case, and doubt it is. My personal interactions with w00k have always been favorable in the past (regardless of how it seems through the lens of Awakened Lands gameplay).
Dissidence is a gang of action - if we are unable to overcome someone who is picking on us with brute strength, especially someone picking on us for the most nonsensical of reasons, we will find another way to gain satisfaction.
That being said:
Marlo Wrote:Marlo wrote:
8:25 pm New! w00k attacked you and lost.
As its been put early on in the forums that we at diss in some way asked for what happened let me enlighten you.
Firstly.Marlo and wOOK have been having beef for a long time.Two guys hell bent on being the best they can with great stats slugging it out in the forums and in Downtown.
Ive had a good raport with wOOK for a very long time and after seeing his attitude's start to change over the last few months i felt it right to ask why he needed to attack members of my gang when the issue he had was with Marlo.His guilty by association BS answer wore thin and i severed all friendship with him.Too big for his boots and treading over people that once actively encouraged his development.This was the big betrayal and showed him for what he has tuned into.
After what seemed like dozens of attacks on my gang mates some decided to change there name.If he can shoot them with his gun then they can attack him with insults.Both were unjustified.The names and the attacks were both out of proportion to the actual situation but with no side willing to give in things persisted.
My part was to take my attack to the forums and poke fun at both Loki and wOOK with the intention of provoking them into attacking me as much as they could.Alot of players in my gang cannot afford the stims etc needed to stim out 24/7 so if provoking them made them switch attack to me then that suited me fine.I can afford all they can dish out and not lose a beat of my leveling.
I would also point out that not one member of my gang whined about the attacks,we sucked it up and got on with it.These guys are the real winners in this.They showed their true colors and what sets dissidence apart from a 2 man wrecking crew.Btw pun and ush grats on your full days training whilst Loki and wOOK were wasting all their energy on trying (but ultimately failing) to break the will of Dissidence members.
In short Loki and wOOK can go sit on a sharp knife whilst crying in each others faces.Nob jocks