Is their a list of which weapons are better for PvP or Hideouts. If not or can we get the weapons info to say that
Trial and Error, Axes are the best against hideouts.
Luck factors in too. Axes are technically the best for hideouts for mid-stat players, but I get many 1 and 2 pt hits with them mixed with the high 40's. On average I actually get better damage from the t-450. Most hits may only reach high 30's, but the min hits only seem to be around 12-18, making the average higher for me.
when i use my Dicoate Titanium Nodachi Blade it is alot better against players than hideouts,so if you are going to use this weapon get a gun of some sort or anouther

yup, trial and error, the electric axe is good for n00bs
axes are Def best until you can equip the pistols... then SB-1.. simple...