Where's mudpies when you need him? He would say something along the lines of
- you are all drooling idiots, you should be happy you've had any gymborees at all. Back in my day we had 2 in the span of a year. Zenith owes you nothing.
Thanks Mud.
ZeonOne Wrote:Arnold was pretty cool. but, I like the Zonetrainer better. He's like All you can eat Buffet in a gym.
Tell that to those who earned over 500 dev points in 1 train with Arnold 8)
You are all drooling idiots.
Holy Crap really!! What a bunch of greedy gus's
I'm not suggesting it
but don't tell me you wouldn't like to make up gym days that were missed
Find me where Zen said she would give us a gymboree a month every month, forever and I'll complain, until then, you should all stop whining.
did you hear me complaining?
Sorry, my speakers are off.
You got to admit. It's nice to have a gymboree day once a month.
Plus, it never hurt to ask.
As for the trainer...
Date - Energy Spend in gym with the same amount of time.
9/5/2008 2,320 Gymboree Day
9/7/2008 1,629 Arnold Trainer.
Those 700 of extra energy train sure did help me a lot.