I have stolen 10 sports cars and none have neted anymore than 700 dollars max? :?:
I'm thinking there is a recession in A.L. Seems there is less money going to be circulation at this rate. Please let me know if it's just me. thanks all
Yer, I think it's just you atm, but it might be me tommorrow. In a few days you may see your crimes paying out highlly. It's just the way it goes, happens to all of us. :wink:
I havn't been stealing sport car to tell you the average. But, I don't see any different in crime income for Complex Meth Lab.
By the way, the amount of time of stealing car is too low to justify the low average income from that particular crime. If you stole 100 cars and they have all net around the same aount, then its a different story.
10 is a slump. 100 would be a trend. 1000 would be a cause for inquiry.
Averaged 698.81 for May, moved on to fraud in June so don't have a good set to compare. If your June average is significantly lower than that ($100+ less), then you have a cause for concern.
this is average in May $692.86...this is so far my average in June $692.30..pretty much the same..both around 85.5% success, but i must say in May i was caught a total of 5 times doing this crime..so far this month i have been already caught 9 times!
I guess i'm not doing so bad then considering the averages you all are getting then. thanks
June 2008 402 5 475 84.6 % $325,960 $686.23 5,249 976
no i have noticed nouthing like that, pretty much the same for me

I noticed it a few days ago. Then, I got pissed at it and I think I scared it. I started getting $800-$1,100 every time I did the sports car after that.
I've been doing pretty well on crimes actually...