$5,000 per online hospitalization of user ID # 10244 (Marlo)
Just mail me a confirmation to collect your bounty.
Ill offer $5000 to anyone who zerks loki for 200mins+ :wink:
Just send me the details to collect :shock:
This sounds entertaining, I'll give the first person to zerk loki into the hosp for 200+ minutes $10,000.
Mine is an ongoing offer :wink:
I'll give any person with the sak to attempt to hosp. Loki a standing bet that they pay dearly for such a stupid move.
I'll double up g202's bet.
Is this still going cuz Loki just loves when I try to zerk him and lose so I wouldnt mind some cash for making every1 laugh.

Still valid

biffbaffboff Wrote:Mine is an ongoing offer :wink:
this statement is basically a contract for services, binding in all 50 states & the UK