Players currently "retired"...
1006 - RETIREDBeelzebub
1302 - idontplaythisgame (idontknowhothisreallyis)
1425 - RetiredFunkonaut (wanted to stay away, so forced retirement to ensure it)
1448 - Dread Pirate Pinky
2192 - Matt (biggest opponent of it until he quit, cause of the debate)
3018 - wild3jeff
3137 - IcingDeath (Went into forced retirement so he could focus on real-world events... and felt this was the only way to stay out)
3205 - Roxanne (not the song)
Was going over my retirement notes...
Casanova is actually the originator of the retirement district. He figured out he can't do a thing while retired except mail, so he moved out. Daemon was originally moved in there because he cheated... and was worth more XP than he should have been while being a pushover. After I corrected his account and fixed the bug he was moved out. There have been others who have moved to the retirement district so they could force themselves to stay out, but they came back

It's a terrible concept and should be removed.
Fed Jail everyone in the retirement district with the provision that they can removed on request. It can't be that hard. I just don't understand the obligation to have such a district in place.
If it must stay cowards do not deserve to remembered in any way, shape, or form on the pantheon of infamy.
Fed jailing prevents players who want to keep contact with others from reading or sending out mail.
I used to be strongly opposed to the Retirement District but I'm not so much anymore. I can see the other side to it and it's not like there's an overabundance of exp cows that are sitting there untouchable. With the level 30 plus range of players growing it really doesn't make a difference.
zenith Wrote:Fed jailing prevents players who want to keep contact with others from reading or sending out mail.
Those in the retirement district have made their choice to stop playing. I don't see an obligation to provide a mailing service for them. If they want to mail they can request to be removed from fed jail (if this were implemented) or do the logical thing and provide an email address to their friends outside of the game.
can players who are retired come back from retirement and play again???
thats what i want to know so lets say this, when icingdeath comes back (if he dos) can he come back and get back on and still play like normal zen?
volcomjurk7 Wrote:can players who are retired come back from retirement and play again???
thats what i want to know so lets say this, when icingdeath comes back (if he dos) can he come back and get back on and still play like normal zen?
While in the retirement district you can mail, view who's online and that's pretty much it. You cannot progress or even earn bank interest. When a player comes back they can start playing again if they chose to leave the retirement district. They cannot go back in.
so why cant you make it like they can earn interest like a normal person in RL life can if there retired?
but when they do come back they have to put a claim in for there money interest what they have earned and they have to agree they cant go back into the retirement home again once they come back???
b/c that sound like a better concept than the one that is in place now....?
also they have to apply to leave so they cant go back in.... so they have to apply to leave and to claim there interest they have earned...????
what dos ever body think about this? including you Zen?
volcomjurk7 Wrote:so why cant you make it like they can earn interest like a normal person in RL life can if there retired?
but when they do come back they have to put a claim in for there money interest what they have earned and they have to agree they cant go back into the retirement home again once they come back???
b/c that sound like a better concept than the one that is in place now....?
also they have to apply to leave so they cant go back in.... so they have to apply to leave and to claim there interest they have earned...????
what dos ever body think about this? including you Zen?
I figured when you retire you use your interest to live the Miller High Life. So no interest. Shouldn't get a benefit. You quit. If you come back you resume exactly where you left off.
well people who are retired still earn interest with there saving cash like there life savings.... so i reckon u should be still able to