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Full Version: Lifestyles of the Rich and Shameless
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true i saw him there this morning.keep enough in the bank and the interest helps.use the interest to buy more credits,its a great cycle if you can wait.
interest sucks


well a little over 2mil will net you 500 a day in interest.500 x365=182k. the whole time your earning the 182k your interest goes higher too.or you could spend the 182k on endurance,and have that for free every how does free money suck?
if you spent the 2million on int end or better hosuing it would benefit you 100 times more then the 182 k


Or you could give me $2 million, stop arguing, and help Dissidence's armory...
Marlo Wrote:Or you could give me $2 million, stop arguing, and help Dissidence's armory...

shit... we're not greedy, we'll take a mill.


yes but if you spent the 2 mil you wouldnt be rich


boo richers with your big fancy cars and expensive house's lol

how bout all of us poor ALers dress up like ghost's and scare them away

i hear rich ppl are afraid of ghost's lmao


i am personally scared of our resident ghost
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