You know what would be better? For the fight logged to show why someone got over-powered by you, rather than showing how much you mugged from someone.

McCule Wrote:DirkDanja Wrote:How much you mug me for ColonelFungus
About 600 :oops:
Unless you're blind you've seen that I've taken several thousand this weekend, LowDingle. Thanks for the free credits, too. 
Too bad the fight logger doesn't show how much was taken. This needs to be changed, too, IMO.
For the record you only mugged me for close to 600 and you never got me for any credits musta been another guy
and im with TTT on the overpowered addition
I would call you another name but ColonelFungus works better :wink:
I stand corrected. It was your brother over there, dingle. :oops: