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buuddha Wrote:im sure i missed a thread or two also.

I don't believe there were any threads about it.

at this moment you remind me of Donnie on The Big Labowski.


mudpies Wrote:
buuddha Wrote:im sure i missed a thread or two also.

I don't believe there were any threads about it.

at this moment you remind me of Donnie on The Big Labowski.

so just because im a few days late on noticing the formation of a one person gang i cant have a laugh about it?


buuddha Wrote:so just because im a few days late on noticing the formation of a one person gang i cant have a laugh about it?

you're missing the point Donnie, it wasn't some weak 1 man gang just a couple days ago, and it won't be again in the future.


mudpies Wrote:
buuddha Wrote:so just because im a few days late on noticing the formation of a one person gang i cant have a laugh about it?

you're missing the point Donnie, it wasn't some weak 1 man gang just a couple days ago, and it won't be again in the future.



buuddha Wrote:Donny

using the "ie" in the name adds more nancy factor. Donnie is less masculine than Donny.


mudpies Wrote:
buuddha Wrote:Donny

using the "ie" in the name adds more nancy factor. Donnie is less masculine than Donny.

see now your making things up.

or in at case...mudpIEs is perfect


stay on topic nancy boy


so is this nancy more masculine than a nancie?

im very confused here mudpIEs


My favorite line from National Treasue 2 was "His name is Mud".


My fav line from Les Claypool is "My name is Mud".

Now back on topic.
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