have i passed the noob stage yet?
i am over 100 days old :oops:
i am 178 days old :shock:
DirkDanja Wrote:have i passed the noob stage yet?
You have to take a test!! It costs 10,000$ and the test is available only Monday, Thursday and Saturday. I have the test, so if you don't want to be a noob anymore, contact me!
zzzz53 Wrote:i am 178 days old :shock:
haha u may be 178 days old, but ur forum skills are that of a n00b
thats just talkin slang Peace out.
cmon guys!! i was like level 17 before 100 days....
i guess between gym trains and skills, n00bs have no time to power level
alinutza Wrote:DirkDanja Wrote:have i passed the noob stage yet?
You have to take a test!! It costs 10,000$ and the test is available only Monday, Thursday and Saturday. I have the test, so if you don't want to be a noob anymore, contact me!
Did SV vote on this test cause if not then i cant take it and will forever be a noob


zzzz53 Wrote:thats just talkin slang Peace out.
i'm highly offended by the word peace