Wouldn't this be a nice little edition to the profile page? I personally feel that the page is looking a bit dull, at the moment. I wouldn't mind having a nice picture on my profile. I don't know what other players think about this idea, though. Hopefully, you'll like it. Many other games have done this and it has been a blast!
just like other games... its very popular though, the only problem is some people could use inappropriate pictures
May be the pictures could be sent to some one, preferably a member of staff to check if they are acceptable or not. The pictures that are acceptable can be used as profile avatars and the pictures that are not acceptable can be simply ignored. Any way, most of the players on this game don't seem like they would submit any thing absurd. But, yeah, I get what you are saying. You will always get the odd freak, here and there.
I think one of the main issues with this is bandwidth. It would slow down the site.
May be a limit on the file size and/or width/height? Or, would that make much of a considerable difference? Hey, what if this web site could some how adapt to the pictures? There must be a way, I know it. Also, would the "slow down" be even noticable? Other games have done this and they have had no problems with web site speed. One of the games has over 300-400 players online at a time. Is the server, that this game is hosted on slow or some thing?
i personally really like the idea alot.
however, i know some people work in environments where visiting sites with lots of pictures raises red flags. Im not a part of that group, so i would also love the profile pic, but i understand that the cons probably outweigh the pros.
how about adding a gang icon also?
Server is pretty beefy. Bandwidth is fine. I'm pretty picky with graphics. Of course they would have to be in good taste, and my limitations might be too limiting. I mean heck, already had 100+ mails from players screaming that the forum avatars aren't big enough.
I might allow them in the future, but not at this time. And adding a function where people can turn the images off would be a nice addition too

I know players spend a lot of time on their player pictures, but the LAST thing I wanted to deal with in other games was to click someone's profile and have some horribly distorted image or images that took forever to load.
As for images being uploaded to the game server, I'd probably have to stick with everyone using another server for their pictures. And to be safe, might need to have a staff member okay images as well before they show up.
666666 Wrote:just like other games... its very popular though, the only problem is some people could use inappropriate pictures
well, the staff may add a new rule: "No offensive, nude, copyright,etc. pictures are allowed to be used." 8)
Well, the best way to prevent both bandwith issues and innappropriate player pics from surfacing would be to ad a small group of generic profile pics to the game itself. Once players had them all cached, no worries and since you have to pick from a list no issues with bad pictures. I realize that limits the 'originality' aspect of it, but its better than nothing!