spy cost ap,and we could detect the detail info of the target player.
and also there should be a place which we could sell the correct info to who wants it.
maybe its time to set up a spy center!
what do u think?
Sounds simple enough, but what would be a realistic and useful price?
i think u can level it,
make some trial os so works well.
the higher price,the more info
$50 - location
$100 - deposit
$500 - accuracy
$1000 - weapons
like that
How about having a crime as a spying tool... like surveillance, but with a real benefit?
Say a basic spy costs 1AP and gives you details of how much money they have on hand and in bank.. an advanced spy costs 5AP and gives also how many credits they have, how many (if any) donator days they have and their home, a detailed surveillance costs 12AP and gives also their HP, XP and weapons, and a full surveillance costs 20AP and gives you all the details you can see on your own character.
Accuracy and dexterity would be necessary to complete the crime, and your opponents dexterity would reduce the chances of the crime- obviously the harder the crime, the harder it is to achieve- possible putting a multiplier on the victim's dexterity could reflect that?
Experience gained from it could be reflected by the level of the person surveyed, and the level of the spy used.
i think intelligence is more important than acc & dex

fair point, intelligence is a good one to use too...
Maybe there should be 5 level of spies you can hire. Level 1 is cheap and is hit and miss, level 5 is expensive but is usually dead on. For instance, level 1 could be accurate 35% of the time. Level 2 45% of the time. Level 3 65% of the time. Level 4 80% and level 5 95% of the time. This way sometimes people might hire a level 1 spy, get back info that their opponent is weak, then find out that their opponent was really stronger than them. Add some mystery to the spy.
and now i have a bright new idea
only gangs can have spies,
there should be 2 kinds of gang member
one is the common one,and another is hidden their name,that is to say,u can not find the hidden members in the gang list.
and only the hidden ones could do the spy work,then they could be called spy.
and they also can detect other gangs' spy list.
so,their will be 2 battleground among gangs
the common one,we call it military
the other is spy force.
is it good?
sounds interesting, dunno how easy it is to implement.
actually its not so complex
just add some extra pages