how come its hard for me to bust low minutes,but i can do large amounts with ease? i dont understand it at all.doesnt make sense, hopefully some one can help!!!
random factor
Note happiness as well
so its a random how do i improve that factor?if its just happiness,then its a quick there a percentage that i will succeed or fail?
There are several things that affect your jail busting abilities.
Dexterity, Happiness and Intelligence are among them main factors (hint, they are not the only factors)

Random factor is just that, random. You could have lvl 3409378 dex and still have a .00001 chance to fail a bust. But if you're unlucky enough to always get that .00001 chance, you'll fail.
Nothing guarantees you a bust; there are just things that improve your chances. Most consist of what eaglefreak said.
well thank you eagle and ice.i understand there will always be a chance i will fail,but id like to know what that chance is.your hints make me wonder even more just seems like i always fail if the minutes are under 100. the higher the minutes its like i cant fail.i have dont get me wrong.but the more minutes there is,the better my chances are it seems.i have a small failure rate with the bigger amounts.a big failure rate with small amounts.shouldnt it be the other way around?
on another note, could this be a bug?
redz28 Wrote:well thank you eagle and ice.i understand there will always be a chance i will fail,but id like to know what that chance is.your hints make me wonder even more now.i
on another note, could this be a bug?
have you ever thought that players don't know the exact numbers used by Zen in all the algorithms and probably she will never tell anything about this.
on another note, the longer the player has stayed in jail, the harder will be to bust him out
yea no one knows but her,hence why i posted this under support staff.i wanted a response from a staff member
i tend to shy away from any busts under 50 mins because i seem to always get caught and i mainly do all my jail busts with low happiness and i have really good success with 200+ mins