New players start off with $100 in their pockets. This apparently has been enough to make some players create multiple accounts to get cash. Since our game has started, I have had to delete or ban 14 accounts due to this.
Now my question to the player base. Should I just get rid of this cash for all future starting players?
Please reply with your thoughts. It's pretty frustrating to be getting rid of accounts due to this. I'd like to hear what you all think should be done.
Hi Zen
My thought is to get rid of the cash, it is fairly easy to get a job and start earning. This may stop people setting up 10 accounts to get there main account $1000 to start. If people had to play the game a couple of days to start getting cash it should deter most from setting up multies. Some will still do it, i dont think anything will stop it.
I think the new player cash is a good and needed thing. I think we may need to look at this another way. Perhaps make it to where a new player can't transfer cash for certain time frame or make cash transfers only for level 2 and above maybe. I just don't think getting rid of the cash all together is the solution.
I appreciate the feedback guys. I think the level requirement is a good idea, so I implemented it. Level 2 is required now for all cash transfers. Thanks again!
Great idea, More thought out then
Maybe instead of cash credit can be granted, or palced automatically on a bail card. Add a 10% fee to transfers from or to level 1 characters or characters with less than say a wekk of 'life'. Also if a character receives more than 1 transfer within a 24 hour perior, add an additional 10% charge. Thus a first transfer from a level one account will only move $90. A second that day will transfer only $81, and this 'excessive transfer' charge can increase 10% with each additioinal transaction.
Just a few thoughts.
The big problem with charging for cash transfers is it might make cheaters just make more characters to get the amount of cash they want. So far I think the level requirement for cash transfers is working... we've had 40 or so sign-ups, and one with the same IP address (and I think that person just forgot his password).
Just a follow-up to the cash-transfer discussion. I have now implemented new code that prevents same-IP cash transfers in addition to the level limit.
I know this might make things a bit more difficult for friends playing on the same network such as a school computer lab or at work, but I feel it is a much needed addition. Hopefully we can keep our eyes on adding content rather trying to catch rules violations.
For most of our community, these new additions will be invisible to you. In fact, you probably didn't even realize it was live.
My thought to this is that there should be ip blocked transfers through the same ip so people who are on the same ip cannot transfers anything through the same computer. Or you can ip block someone who keeps making multis through the same ip
well what if u have cousins brother sisiters any family members u want to give u loan or send a weapon because u want to buy it off them couldnt there be some kind of rule were u can somehow send stuff to the same ip adress maybe contact Zenith email?
what do u say Zenith?