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Full Version: Crystal Meth is for losers
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Check this so, i have:
Crime Statistics Amount Rate
Crime Successes 4,638 84.3%

I would like to know, what can i do to can do crimes like Insurance Fraud
or Police Surveillence? well i only have 7 of inteligence, and 21 of Dext.

I allways check the percentage of Sucess Rate. I think , most time we suceed, better sucess's. .. :roll:


I have 8 intel and 22 dex, and am quite comfortable on insurance fraud.


:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


LordSkie Wrote:I have 8 intel and 22 dex, and am quite comfortable on insurance fraud.

However, a players success with crimes is also contingent on level I believe.


and I'm only 2 levels higher than him...

By a good level of success, I don't mean I never get busted or fail. I've done around 50 or so insurance crimes, failed around 5 and got busted once. So just under 90%.
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