k, so i was a donator for well lets say awhile, about 2 days ago i ran out(gotta restock), and noticed something that likely most of the "group" haven't, as who likes to go non-donator!!
k we all know you get more points be it ap or ep when a donator and a bigger stat bonus, but i have noticed that my happieness stays a lot higher while training as a non donator.
so i'm wondering/thinking/hoping if/that the donators could/should have an increased happieness refresh???
prolly not the greatest at wording things but i'm sure a few people could make this sound smarter!
cheers, "and stuff"
edit = k gotta do this . . . 1+1=2 or is it 11??
You're basically saying that donator happiness should refill faster?
I think it takes more happiness because you're workin' harder. Those extra stat points have to come from somewhere, right? I think the extra EP and AP make up for the more happiness lost during trains for donators, though.
oh i know the bonus is better forsure with the donator, i'm just saying/thinking that maybe the happiesness should get a bonus like the ap/ep does
Hmm. Maybe.
I'd say it is fine as it is. You get better happiness boosts with every point of humanity you get, right? Win a few contests, ask Zenith to throw some humanity on your bones, and you'll be jumping stat points in no time for sure! =D
But, yeah..You have a point. AP/EP get a boost, via donator status. Stats do, too. Why not the happiness? It's another one of those 5 minute refresh points..
with the contests, i only stay up for 24 hours at a time with friends and it not at the pc, i only wish i could be that dedicated!when i started i lost some humanity before i knew how things worked . . .
but yea that's what i'm saying "AP/EP get a boost, via donator status. Stats do, too. Why not the happiness? It's another one of those 5 minute refresh points.."
Heh. Normally, I'm on here alot. During that contest..I was on for about..8 hours?

I did get some sleep in, worked some, then came home to AL to try and win..And succeeded.
Definitely see where you're coming from, though. Maybe some other people will throw some thoughts in.
hope so!
ps congrats on the beerfest! i was getting into rl beerfest that day!! didn't puke or get drunk and disorderly, saved lots on not paying fines and clean ups . . .haha . . .
Heh. My beerfest was early. My birthday in February. Totally sloshed, son. 1 1/2 bottles of vodka..Never doing that again.
Anyway, good thought.
The reason why your happiness stays higher as a non-donator is most likely cause the Energy refresh is a bit lower. Meaning it takes a bit longer between each train so that your happiness has maybe a tick longer to refresh, I can't be totally sure of it, but for now it seems like the most reasonable solution for me.
As for donators getting more happiness, I don't really think that is a good idea, we already have a higher EP/AP refresh, we have better trains and so on.
if someone wants to donate credits for an energy refresh in the next couple minutes, I'll test to see how much happiness is used with no donator status vs same energy used with donator status.
I just unloaded my EP into skills.
to me, it seems like happiness used is relitive to how many dev points you gain. I can't verify though.