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Full Version: no page breaks in email
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why cant you make page breaks in the emails? this makes for VERY hard to read messages.




Marlo Wrote:<br><br>

yup. there's a bunch of codes you can use in mass mails.


Marlo Wrote:<br><br>

thanks! i tried it and it worked

mudpies is there a site that you know that has all these codes listed? i dont know too much about this stuff obviously
they are similar with the BBcodes that are used on this forum too.


I don't remember what the other codes are. When I was in Diss there was a mass mail detailing a few of them. Maybe one of them can help.


Here are the ones that I know work:

Break - <br>

Bold - <b>bold</b>

Big - <big>big</big>

Italicized - <i>Italicized</i>

Super Script - <super>Super Script</super>

Sub Script - <sub>Sub Script</sub>

Don't know if there are any more.


yeah... there's tooons more... it's called HTML just so you know.

Colored text:
<font color="#ff0000"> Red text </font>
<font color="#ff8000"> Orange text </font>
<font color="#ffff00"> Yellow text </font>
<font color="#80ff80"> Green text </font>
<font color="#0000ff"> Blue text </font>
<font color="#9805c9"> Violet text </font>
<font color="red"> Red text </font>
<font color="orange"> Orange text </font>
<font color="yellow"> Yellow text </font>
<font color="green"> Green text </font>
<font color="blue"> Blue text </font>
<font color="violet"> Violet text </font>

For different fonts types, you can add to the font tag by putting in face="Arial" or any other common font you want, like Times New Roman for example.

You can make text bigger or smaller by adding size=+1 for bigger text, (change the 1 to 2 or higher to make it bigger, up to 7) or size=-1 for smaller (same here, up to 7)

You can center the text with <center> centered text </center>

You can strikeout text by doing <s> stiked text </s>

To create a link you can do <a href="your URL here"> Click here! </a>

To include an image, you can do <IMG SRC="image URL here">

Theres tons more things you can do but that sums up the majority of it, including what other people said about bold italics and stuff...


MaxGhost Wrote:yeah... there's tooons more... it's called HTML just so you know.

Colored text:
<font color="#ff0000"> Red text </font>
<font color="#ff8000"> Orange text </font>
<font color="#ffff00"> Yellow text </font>
<font color="#80ff80"> Green text </font>
<font color="#0000ff"> Blue text </font>
<font color="#9805c9"> Violet text </font>
<font color="red"> Red text </font>
<font color="orange"> Orange text </font>
<font color="yellow"> Yellow text </font>
<font color="green"> Green text </font>
<font color="blue"> Blue text </font>
<font color="violet"> Violet text </font>

For different fonts types, you can add to the font tag by putting in face="Arial" or any other common font you want, like Times New Roman for example.

You can make text bigger or smaller by adding size=+1 for bigger text, (change the 1 to 2 or higher to make it bigger, up to 7) or size=-1 for smaller (same here, up to 7)

You can center the text with <center> centered text </center>

You can strikeout text by doing <s> stiked text </s>

To create a link you can do <a href="your URL here"> Click here! </a>

To include an image, you can do <IMG SRC="image URL here">

Theres tons more things you can do but that sums up the majority of it, including what other people said about bold italics and stuff...

I do believe the link one and image one do not work in game.


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