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XxDragonxX Wrote:I mean did Zenith create AL for people to insult people or to actually be able to play the game.

if you havent noticed so far, insulting others make them laugh. It is their way of having a good time. You should have learnt so far how to deal with such people and you should also know that bringing argumnts like: "insulting people is a bad thing", or "it is not nice doing that or this" HAS NO EffECT on them.

You should think more of your actions than of their actions.


Were are the Mods today - we are way way off topic
Nobody is holding a gun to your effing heads telling you to read certain threads that you already know will offend you and open offensive in-game mail, that is your choice.


alinutza Wrote:
XxDragonxX Wrote:I mean did Zenith create AL for people to insult people or to actually be able to play the game.

if you havent noticed so far, insulting others make them laugh. It is their way of having a good time. You should have learnt so far how to deal with such people and you should also know that bringing argumnts like: "insulting people is a bad thing", or "it is not nice doing that or this" HAS NO EffECT on them.

You should think more of your actions than of their actions.

the funny thing is every1 starts on DM members if DM have aproblem like now we get sarcastic msgs from the admins yet when cornerstone askes for sumthing he gets a nice msg


w00k it would help if you said who that was directed at. Then maybe they could take your great advice and learn from it.


w00k Wrote:Nobody is holding a gun to your effing heads telling you to read certain threads that you already know will offend you and open offensive in-game mail, that is your choice.

and that is a choice i am taking you must be as well taking the choice in which i am choosing soo vice versa man.
ShadowKid Wrote:
w00k Wrote:You guys ever think that maybe people don't care about this situation? As well they shouldn't.

Again, if you don't like msgs you're getting, use the block feature and if you don't like what people are posting in the forums then don't look at them. The solution lies in your own hands yet you still insist on outside involvement.

F'n drama queens.

funny thing is if u dont care then why are you posting

I'm posting to tell you that the ball is in your court and you can ignore if you want to yet you choose to make it into drama. As far as Jenkem pwning all of you guys, I could give a flying fook.


zenith Wrote:
ShadowKid Wrote:oh and now it seems ERR and ZENITH hate us as well

We don't hate DM. We just want the entire issue to be over.
Loki Wrote:
Howlsong Wrote:Oh for crying out load you're not supposed to involve admin...

canadian accent

Umm bit of a coffee high... i guess my fingers dont know what to hit? :oops:


w00k Wrote:
ShadowKid Wrote:
w00k Wrote:You guys ever think that maybe people don't care about this situation? As well they shouldn't.

Again, if you don't like msgs you're getting, use the block feature and if you don't like what people are posting in the forums then don't look at them. The solution lies in your own hands yet you still insist on outside involvement.

F'n drama queens.

funny thing is if u dont care then why are you posting

I'm posting to tell you that the ball is in your court and you can ignore if you want to yet you choose to make it into drama. As far as Jenkem pwning all of you guys, I could give a flying fook.

jenkem pwning us that is funny
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