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i think there should be some way of knowing who is getting rich off you
Dude..Who shown you the link to the game? It's as simple as that.


i think its obvious he doesnt know that? maybe he just randomly saw it like i did. if col ingus hadnt messaged me and hooked me up a lil in the beginning i would have no idea that he referred me.
Again. Look at who sent you the link. It had to have come from somewhere. You don't snap your fingers and say 'ooo. Look at this.'

If you clicked some random link from some random dude..Then, I applaud your running head first into the unknown that could be the death of your computer(And yourself, according to if you're living with anyone).
i found the link in some game forum so i have no way of knowing
I'm sure the person that posted the link, and the person in the game, have some sort of connection between each other..If not, I dunno. Again, random person, head-strong into the unknown..Spicy.
psedoderf tried to get me in the game like 1 or 2 months b4 i started, i refused to play or even try it out, then eventually konyen convinced me and i used konyens referral link. if i was derf i'd be maaaad pissed cause konyen made maaaaad loot off me. If i listened to QQbig2 and had him refer me, he would've given every credit i made for him. konyen didnt give me squat, you dck
Heh. I thought CerealKiller referred me, but I guess I forgot to actually sign up using his link..Otherwise, he'd be a rich man. Probably still around, too.


i'm pretty sure i just got the link from a google search... :roll:


i just was mucking around writing stuff in google and then i just wroted in and it came up with in the search lol
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