seems to be a stack of them in traction just now....
w00ks a hitman. Maybe he was paid.
Maybe its not open for discussion

Just taking out the trash

w00k Wrote:Just taking out the trash 
Thats on fridays not mondays. :roll:
Now that was uncalled for.
All Dissidence members are required to shower daily and adhere to the most up to date advancements in personal hygiene.
w00k's on the other hand, who knows.
Marlo Wrote:Disclaimer:
All Dissidence members are required to shower daily and adhere to some advancements in personal hygiene.
just thought i'd fix that for u

I am at least recyclable and don't belong with just regular trash.
Who is regular trash? :? :?
it's not who, but what. As in I wouldn't go into a kitchen garbage but rather a nice green plastic bin.