Koor you are pushing buttons you know better than to push, we had a talk about this. Now if you want to lie to me, an go the I will tell him one thing and then say something completely different you will have to deal with knowing that you have lied to all of us. No problem for me. Again I refuse to for you to tell me that my gang defected, You and I know along with key players that is not the case. Now call me a liar, thats one thing, but to say all my gang is a liar and I think thats just ridiculous. Now how bout you tell the whole truth and not leave things out. Because I thought that you went by a creed. I go by a creed just as Sam I Am did, just a you are supposed to. So how bout you quit being the PC supposed leader and be the NCO and let all the classified intel drop into everyones lap and tell the truth. I will see you in person later.
LMAO, How thick do ya'll want this brew?
Just venting, I hate being called a liar, I dont lie.
Like I said before, Koor, I have your back on any decision, may that be in this game or combat. I have to say that when everything was out there I said I was sorry. Now if you have a problem with me like I said you will see me a little later on in the day.
they are very sticky about who is a "true" theafer. i am not a true theafer, i am jsut allowed to play under that name for this game.
*shakes head*
Taking this to email, spyder.
As for the history of Theafers. Theafers is made up of a bunch of guys that have been playing online games together since about 2000. We started out as a bunch of thieves on various servers in UO who hung out on the UO thief boards. After UO we moved on to other games, and formed our own guild. I'm considered one of the original thieves, since I was there in the begining on the UO boards, even though since UO I haven't spent much time playing games with the Theafers. With each new game we play, the theafers gang lets a couple more people in to the main element, but the original guys from back in the UO days are still refered to as "OT's" and make up about 50% of the Theafers in North West and East Theafers. Being refered to as "not a real Theafer" was meant to say that you aren't on the theafer message boards discussing what's going on. Nor did you ask before attacking, which is a big no-no in this gang since attacking the wrong gang can bring destruction down on all of us.
I did not lie, I simply said that we had a rogue faction, not a defector. Rogue factions and defectors are two different things completely. A defector tosses your cause in the trash and goes their own way without regard to the main force. A rogue faction can still maintain the same cause as the main force, but they choose to take their own actions and not wait for or request guidance from higher.
And your telling me: "I will take blame for that, but under no circumstance will I allow you to tell me that me and my gang defected. I refuse." forced my hand. Noone with the least amount of military trained sarcasm could resist such an opportunity to say "You defected".
Nuff said.
\Goes for a firm hand shake\
Thanks for taking this offline. Thought I was going to have to lock this post down.

I'll lock your post down!
LuparKoor Wrote:I'll lock your post down!
*shows iron fist*