I think my signature says it all

Gee Night. That sig sounds like when Pullo, Vorenus, and Papi hit me after that "On the Scene Reporter" posts.
However, my log said "You actually think your armor will protect you? Dig a hole and lay down in it. Those three will cover you up when they are bored with you."
Opponents JohnRambo Jack Mort
Hits 22 20
Hits Percentage 69.8 % 63.5 %
Damage Received 2,500 2,613
Damage Resisted 1,070 295
Actual Damage Taken 1,430 2,318
Best Hit 373 293
I resisted 1070

Broken jaw and 2 ribs, but they were 3.
Got them back a month later.
ManasTheReaper leave stalemate 66 26 1,432 1,243 470(resisted-my best) 233
Your Gang
Your Gang - Bad Muthas
Your gang is currently in 1 war(s).
You attacked and hit for 61 damage against their hideout!
Sorry guys i jut had to say this again I resisted 1070 and won mwahahahaha
I think res is always higher vs npc's
Opponents Andy XXXX
Hits 24 12
Hits Percentage 70.6 % 35.3 %
Damage Received 326 1,132
Damage Resisted 154 668
Actual Damage Taken 172 464
Best Hit 147 83
but i cannot tell you the best he defended in one hit, because he was the defender
Opponents Mace XXXXX
Hits 11 23
Hits Percentage 29.7 % 62.2 %
Damage Received 1,662 247
Damage Resisted 817 169
Actual Damage Taken 845 78
Best Hit 48 190
Best so far is 817, got it yesterday.