Just askin

yes one would think they made you heavier
As if implants don't weigh players down enough already.
Probably because they replace tissue not add.
lol the metals still gonna be heavier than the tissue being replaced
the non-blue-light specials are made from cultured cells.....heavier?....could be lighter....who knows...remember they are super human

For the same reason they don't count toward wealth and can't be sent. sold or else. They are not considered an item.
That answer was from Zen when I asked her a similar question last summer.
Cybers need to be buffed up more

they dont really need to be buffed IMO, because once you have a very high level in a stat, it may takes days or weeks to level up once or twice. but... fix that up with a nice lil borg! you can get much higher stat ratings with borgs. they arent worth as much at low levels since you can train so quickly, but at higher levels, very very nice
in the end, the benefits will outweigh the drawbacks
oh, and they dont weigh people down because they enhance your strength, and the statistical enhancement allows you to function normally without feeling weighed down by the new equipment surgically added to your body