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Full Version: who was ur al idol?
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Please refer to Page 6, Post 10.

Thank you and goodnight.


sorrow,she was the first player to help me and point me in the right direction Biggrin


Chris or Sarge as they helped me grow and were cool players.

Sorrow has my respect aswell. BOTD crime family was a great family.
Mr. Fantastic! Who has recently rejoined the game. Hooked quite a few of us up with the "tools" to become successful ALers


"chuckaroundhouse" need i say more? :shock:

but seriously, icingdeath.
id would have to say cheifeagle he helped me when i 1st came to al

but i like wook hes so active and a manmade beast


poptarts, for sure, this game is good times, thx man


mine got to be between wook and shadowguard both helped me a lot and still do once and awile Biggrin
Mudpies was my idol when I first started playing.
Before I even joined up with his group of gangs he helped me when I posted in the AL forums and after I joined the 499 clan he helped me a bunch along the way also
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