I seem to be getting busted by the cops much more frequently than I used to, even doing crimes that I normally have no problems with! Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
i don't know, sometimes i feel offended at how much the AL police are picking on me, but i get away with a lot of crimes, so i guess there are just good days and bad days.. or weeks, too. poop happens :/
Did you see the other thread title, Thanks X 38.?
30+ people tried to bust him out and failed.
I agreed with you tho, it does seem that way for the past 2 days.
ZeonOne Wrote:Did you see the other thread title, Thanks X 38.?
30+ people tried to bust him out and failed.
I agreed with you tho, it does seem that way for the past 2 days.
Nothing has changed, but the police need to reach their quotas and the abundance of hospitalizations have caused a dip in crimes attempted

every couple months or so this topic comes up.
Jail is empty Now!
Lasted all of 2 min.
Hmm. I seem to be doing better in my crimes, as of late.
It's all confirmation bias! Seriously!
....and probably a little luck too.
I grease the pigs, my friends. It's a shame, too..I could be using that drug money elsewhere, rather than paying Vice off to leave my balls out of the reach of the long arm of the law.
Also, alot of luck comes into play, but no one has to know that, right?