I stink at gang fort attacks i only hit for a average of 31
I have trouble now and then with busting but in overall I have a fair bust average.
I am sorry BLOODYHAZ3 for everything i did to you for the past few weeks hitting you online. well
Well it looks like i will never get out of fed jail i am not getting responces back from Zen so this is my farewell to awakenedlands.
i might have been in alot of gangs in the past year i was on and might have asked for a loan and left but i paided back the loans in time but at least i still payed them back. In my words i made a mistake i will always regret it and sorry for all the people that got mad at me. i had a good time in awakenedlands in the past year i was on i made some great friends and some strong enemies but my goal was to be the strongest on awakenedlands but that goal wil never be achieved I might have broken a rule or two but i will say sorry for breaking them. most people will be happy that i will never return to awakenedlands. well thats it this ends my saga.
Farewell awakenedlands
Jesus, shut the fuck up already
dekarr Wrote:Jesus, shut the frag up already
aww man, you're harsh, tho at first i was telling him to just fk off, but now i kinda feel bad for the guy.
I see i got more enemies on the forums oh yeah and Mace good luck on awakenedlands.
I'm more concerned with BlackJeeps reaction to my JC name drop
I suck at lvling endurance.
Didn't even get to train 1 lvl. And I sucked at AL university, but that's all behind me now.