I did a gym train, then it said "Need more energy? Click here to use 30 credits to regain all your energy. I thought it was strange that it would only cost 30 creds when it usually costs like 120. So I clicked it and it ended up costing me 124 creds. wtf?
yeah, I got hosed by the dude at the front desk of the gym. I think it has something to do with the fact that I trained 15 times with the "zone" then trained the rest without.
I think Diss is somehow behind this. Discuss.

yikes sorry man...like that extra hp i get sometimes on refreshes that really isnt there...what a jip
McCule Wrote:I think Diss is somehow behind this. Discuss. 
I told you not to tell anybody about this!
nbsvtvt Wrote:I did a gym train, then it said "Need more energy? Click here to use 30 credits to regain all your energy. I thought it was strange that it would only cost 30 creds when it usually costs like 120. So I clicked it and it ended up costing me 124 creds. wtf?
Did you have more than one window/tab open?
I don't recall if I had more than one window up. It is likely that I did. I actually noticed it a few more times last night. I took a screenshot:
As you can see I have 0 energy to train, yet it says it will only cost 30 to regain all my energy.
It just happened again (and I had no other windows/tabs open). Here's what's happening: If I go to the gym page with less than full EP it says "Need more Energy? Click Here to use xx credits....etc", then immediately following the gym train, the message stays the same. Its not refreshing with the train. I guess I never noticed before, because I don't really use the energy refresh option.