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Full Version: New Mail Banning Rule?
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08.April.20 - Edited rules concerning harassing mails. Mail-bans for unwanted mails by a player will no longer be considered unless the receiving player has used the block-use mail function first.

Sounds like some one had a little too much whine yesterday!
It seems logical..if you dont want to receive mails from someone, you block him..

if you don't, that means you like reading what he sends you


Ladies & gentleman, boys and Super Villains, seems like team Sandy Vag has spoken. Now did anyone really think it could have been anyone else?

Proof > Pudding


<see my avatar marlo, and pull the stick out of your ass
See my avatar, Saint? Even he has more class and style than you. And he's Ashy Larry.


people whining about people whining about people whining. the internet folks...its a vicious cycle.
delpot Wrote:people whining about people whining about people whining. the internet folks...its a vicious cycle.

You pretty much nailed it there, delp


Has someone called the

[Image: waaaambulance-23284.jpg]



If you consider light hearted attempts at humor whining, then this is one giant whine fest!


Ok.For one im glad the new rule was made.If anyone is recieving foul mails it is in your armory to put that player on a block mail, so you dont get any more correspondence from that person.

Ive got 4 players on my block list.Its a great tool that you use to protect yourself from unwanted mails.
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