Im not sure if this has been mentioned before but as we all know we can pay a bail to the jail to be freed.
Why cant we pay for private health care when in the hospital.Rather than making sure you always have stims on you.You could pay for private treatment at a cost roughly the same as stims.It would save the hassle of begging someone for stims when you have the money but was forgetful to buy stims.
You could have a private health care card that can be purchased in stores.
You could use 100 credits on it and it would give you 600mins of health care.So as soon as your in hospital you would use it to get out instantly -the mins your in for.
You could even pay cash for the same service but wouldnt get as many mins on your card.
And before anyone jumps in saying this will benefit donators, that is not strictly true.If you buy ONLINE anything nowadays you always get discounts if you use a CC rather than cash.
good idea, maybe not to completely get you out of the hospital, but to half your hospital time?
No full.It would save district hopping,carrying loads of stims around.
I mean if you had stims or health packs on you already , why would you go to the hospital?If you were in a war zone and in a fight , got hurt , you could patch yourself up there and then blah blah.Anyways on topic yea to instantly get out of hospital.
You have 600 mins on your card and your in for 55mins.Use your private health care card and then you have 545mins left on it.
thats a good idea. It wouldn't give you any kind of advantage either, only convenience. Using the card does nothing that a pocket full of stims couldn't.
I can dig it.

life insurance just have $$$
Truly, I like that idea. It would be a lot easier in some respects. And their could be a reasonable 'fee' (as with all healthcare) such as a weekly charge or an overage... instead of 600 credits = 600 minutes, there could be a 600 credits to 550 minutes or whatever. A charge for use, almost like a calling card on a payphone. Or charge of minutes per use, like a co-pay.
I happen to like that idea. Payin' good money for good coverage whenever you get your head stomped. It'd help alot in gang wars, I would say.
Then what about keeping a lawyer on retainer, for when you go to jail. It could knock like up to 200 minutes off.
Bck on topic XD Please