I'm tempted to vote in this poll as well, but with Bren's vote I have at least one

dekarr Wrote:Is jola no longer a mod?
The last time I looked I was still mod..... how quickly you forget me lol.
Druchii Wrote:I'm tempted to vote in this poll as well, but with Bren's vote I have at least one 
Damn, just because I vote for you everyone thinks..."Damn, Bren voted Dru, I think I better do that too cos Bren's so cool, must be a good choice".
Thanks me for winning this poll.
Brens influence is unfair, I demand a recount with no interference from bren

He leads too many people ;(
To be honest I demand a recount too. I'll be in Pakistan the next few weeks anyway so maybe you can do it whilst I'm gone. Then you can see the real results without my take on it. Guys, just act as if you don't know who I'd vote so we can get a honest poll going.
I like all mods....they have a very difficult and low paid job to perform....I wouldnt have it
ty mods