Maybe we should increase the amount of money you get from crimes. Especially the lower crimes. For low level's it is really hard for them to get any money. they are lucky to make a couple hundred in one day's worth of crimes. And the weapons and armor are out of that price range. Maybe by increasing the money you get from crimes, you would have more low level's staying.
i agree, if i hadn't been given my first hold out, i would have had to play like 2 weeks before i had my first gun.
Why not have a crime boss that can be added to the explore area.Once you commit 30 crimes in a day they crime boss will pay you $500 for being a good criminal.That would encourage the new players to hang around doing crimes

biffbaffboff Wrote:Why not have a crime boss that can be added to the explore area.Once you commit 30 crimes in a day they crime boss will pay you $500 for being a good criminal.That would encourage the new players to hang around doing crimes 
That's cool I didn't think of that.
That is pretty nifty. The little guys would love it, too. Tons of cash..
well i think that the money you get at the start is good i mean you can't buy a t450 in a weeks worth of crimes either can you? i mean your housing is cheaper and your weapons are as well, also you could always donate a few bux and get 100's of thousands if done right
Shotokan Wrote:well i think that the money you get at the start is good i mean you can't buy a t450 in a weeks worth of crimes either can you? i mean your housing is cheaper and your weapons are as well, also you could always donate a few bux and get 100's of thousands if done right
I don't think most people are ready to donate on the first couple days or even a week. And most likely they would get $100 bucks per credit if they did. Besides they wouldn't need that much money, just enough for a hold out, and armor.
most people are reffered to the game i would think and i'm sure thier buddy can afford the 10k for a nice weapon and armour for a level 3-5
My idea is simple as it is not worth a level 30 using 30 action points for $500 so it would only really be a good addition to the new players.Knowing if they do 30 x 1 ap crimes in a day its $500.That would take em a few hours to do so would encourage them to hang around more and be able to buy some gear.
Obviously afterwards once they are hooked on the game they may consider donating so they benefit even more
biffbaffboff Wrote:My idea is simple as it is not worth a level 30 using 30 action points for $500 so it would only really be a good addition to the new players.Knowing if they do 30 x 1 ap crimes in a day its $500.That would take em a few hours to do so would encourage them to hang around more and be able to buy some gear.
Obviously afterwards once they are hooked on the game they may consider donating so they benefit even more
That would be the easiest to put into code. But maybe it coulld be made into every 30 AP spent regardless the level. For higher level players it wouldn't make a diffrence, but for the middle players it would be a small bonus.