2008.Mar.10, 03:42 PM
2008.Mar.10, 03:46 PM
Here is my inactives list
1002 Chris Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1046 Sam I Am Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1265 DreadPirateColdston3 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1348 CASANOVA Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1355 RagsToRiches Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1399 Lostangel Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1447 Monte Alban Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1477 KeyserSoze Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1554 Hospitalize Me Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1579 Bookworm Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1815 TwoDogs Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1835 samfisher Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1851 DocBunsenini Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1886 Atlas Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1925 CouchMonkey Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2095 Otto Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2351 BungalowBilly Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2399 Tierra Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2533 Havok Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2655 DarkTemplar Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2684 NightShade Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2690 mOnaLisA Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2873 BOUNTYHUNTER Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2887 Svartur Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3232 katana4 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3465 mrwonderful Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3539 RetiredRedSkull Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3760 Maul Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3835 Demolition Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3965 Redface Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3974 steven2006 Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4148 Ohm Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4425 satanboy Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4487 RIP Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4512 Ares Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4583 AstroGuardian Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4677 Tiki Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4838 Kranky Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4921 Sorrow Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5050 Valsecchi Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5059 DoogieStyle Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5438 ReddoxX Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5709 MrJaplo Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5975 DragonRyuuzaki Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6045 jellyzilla12 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6161 killing Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6234 MrBean Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6723 Stunderbuttz Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
7280 Anubis Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
7453 Custie Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8117 grneyz12 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8124 Frezal Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8693 MrRogers Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9020 Humandecoy Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9493 MickeyMouse Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9514 MrPotatoHead Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9558 Mattsmith Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9605 Woody Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9714 Cyclonus Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9776 HolyDiver Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
10009 addai29 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
10824 ironhide Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
11376 hhhhh Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
12180 Osyrus Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
14494 Chokelahoma Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1002 Chris Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1046 Sam I Am Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1265 DreadPirateColdston3 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1348 CASANOVA Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1355 RagsToRiches Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1399 Lostangel Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1447 Monte Alban Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1477 KeyserSoze Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1554 Hospitalize Me Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1579 Bookworm Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1815 TwoDogs Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1835 samfisher Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1851 DocBunsenini Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1886 Atlas Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1925 CouchMonkey Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2095 Otto Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2351 BungalowBilly Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2399 Tierra Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2533 Havok Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2655 DarkTemplar Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2684 NightShade Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2690 mOnaLisA Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2873 BOUNTYHUNTER Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2887 Svartur Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3232 katana4 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3465 mrwonderful Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3539 RetiredRedSkull Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3760 Maul Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3835 Demolition Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3965 Redface Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3974 steven2006 Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4148 Ohm Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4425 satanboy Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4487 RIP Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4512 Ares Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4583 AstroGuardian Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4677 Tiki Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4838 Kranky Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4921 Sorrow Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5050 Valsecchi Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5059 DoogieStyle Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5438 ReddoxX Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5709 MrJaplo Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5975 DragonRyuuzaki Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6045 jellyzilla12 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6161 killing Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6234 MrBean Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6723 Stunderbuttz Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
7280 Anubis Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
7453 Custie Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8117 grneyz12 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8124 Frezal Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8693 MrRogers Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9020 Humandecoy Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9493 MickeyMouse Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9514 MrPotatoHead Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9558 Mattsmith Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9605 Woody Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9714 Cyclonus Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9776 HolyDiver Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
10009 addai29 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
10824 ironhide Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
11376 hhhhh Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
12180 Osyrus Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
14494 Chokelahoma Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2008.Mar.10, 03:51 PM
Eaglefreak Wrote:It would be even better if people posted where each of these inactives are.
and their level.
2008.Mar.18, 11:13 PM
i made a decent list for lvl 14-30's
1301 cts lvl 35
1355 RagsToRiches lvl 15
1399 Lostangel lvl 30
1477 KeyserSoze lvl 30
1720 Scipio lvl 21
1886 Atlas lvl 15
1925 CouchMonkey lvl 13
2082 UNARMED lvl 30
2095 Otto lvl 13
2655 DarkTemplar lvl 23
2684 NightShade lvl 21
2887 Svartur lvl 23
3232 katana4 lvl 12
3234 Jubei lvl 24
3760 Maul lvl 13
3974 steven2006 lvl 18
4148 Ohm lvl 26
4425 satanboy lvl 15
4487 RIP lvl 12
4512 Ares lvl 23
4583 AstroGuardian lvl 13
4838 Kranky lvl 20
5050 Valsecchi lvl 19
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun lvl 33
11039 MoeSyszlak lvl 17
1301 cts lvl 35
1355 RagsToRiches lvl 15
1399 Lostangel lvl 30
1477 KeyserSoze lvl 30
1720 Scipio lvl 21
1886 Atlas lvl 15
1925 CouchMonkey lvl 13
2082 UNARMED lvl 30
2095 Otto lvl 13
2655 DarkTemplar lvl 23
2684 NightShade lvl 21
2887 Svartur lvl 23
3232 katana4 lvl 12
3234 Jubei lvl 24
3760 Maul lvl 13
3974 steven2006 lvl 18
4148 Ohm lvl 26
4425 satanboy lvl 15
4487 RIP lvl 12
4512 Ares lvl 23
4583 AstroGuardian lvl 13
4838 Kranky lvl 20
5050 Valsecchi lvl 19
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun lvl 33
11039 MoeSyszlak lvl 17
2008.Mar.20, 03:45 PM
nathanket Wrote:Here is my inactives list:o :shock: :bandito:
1002 Chris Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1046 Sam I Am Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1265 DreadPirateColdston3 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1348 CASANOVA Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1355 RagsToRiches Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1399 Lostangel Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1447 Monte Alban Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1477 KeyserSoze Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1554 Hospitalize Me Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1579 Bookworm Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1815 TwoDogs Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1835 samfisher Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1851 DocBunsenini Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1886 Atlas Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
1925 CouchMonkey Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2095 Otto Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2351 BungalowBilly Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2399 Tierra Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2533 Havok Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2655 DarkTemplar Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2684 NightShade Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2690 mOnaLisA Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2873 BOUNTYHUNTER Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2887 Svartur Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3232 katana4 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3465 mrwonderful Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3539 RetiredRedSkull Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3760 Maul Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3835 Demolition Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3965 Redface Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
3974 steven2006 Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4148 Ohm Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4425 satanboy Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4487 RIP Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4512 Ares Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4583 AstroGuardian Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4677 Tiki Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4838 Kranky Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
4921 Sorrow Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5050 Valsecchi Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5059 DoogieStyle Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5438 ReddoxX Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5709 MrJaplo Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
5975 DragonRyuuzaki Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6045 jellyzilla12 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6161 killing Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6234 MrBean Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
6723 Stunderbuttz Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
7280 Anubis Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
7453 Custie Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8117 grneyz12 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8124 Frezal Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
8693 MrRogers Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9020 Humandecoy Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9493 MickeyMouse Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9514 MrPotatoHead Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9558 Mattsmith Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9605 Woody Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9714 Cyclonus Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
9776 HolyDiver Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
10009 addai29 Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
10824 ironhide Hospital Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
11376 hhhhh Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
12180 Osyrus Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
14494 Chokelahoma Attack Inactive N/A Mail Player Edit Comment Delete
2008.Mar.22, 04:37 AM
Figure people have had enough time to add everyone to the enemy list, so I'm removing it as a sticky now.
If anyone wanna make a complete list with the location, and level/xp they give, then a moderator can make that a sticky in the Tips & Tricks section.
If anyone wanna make a complete list with the location, and level/xp they give, then a moderator can make that a sticky in the Tips & Tricks section.
2008.Mar.27, 04:44 PM
Level 15's and under should try and avoid hitting MedicMan [9793]as he is quite tough.
2008.Mar.27, 04:47 PM
That dude was still kicking my butt at level 18 XD
2008.Mar.27, 09:34 PM
Dude!! Remove me from that enemy list at once! You know how sensitive I am...
1002 Chris Industrial
1046 Sam I Am Downtown
1048 Sarge Industrial
1073 NOwpnORarmour Downtown
1301 cts Donator Downtown
1399 Lostangel Downtown
1477 KeyserSoze Underground
1745 Aloha Underground
2082 UNARMED Rural
3593 Bombz Midlan
4224 LordKillAlot Downtown
4271 GhostRider Downtown
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun Underground
6510 DanusMaximus Downtown
I try to keep my list somehow clean and only decent exp (for me) are listed there.
1002 Chris Industrial
1046 Sam I Am Downtown
1048 Sarge Industrial
1073 NOwpnORarmour Downtown
1301 cts Donator Downtown
1399 Lostangel Downtown
1477 KeyserSoze Underground
1745 Aloha Underground
2082 UNARMED Rural
3593 Bombz Midlan
4224 LordKillAlot Downtown
4271 GhostRider Downtown
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun Underground
6510 DanusMaximus Downtown
I try to keep my list somehow clean and only decent exp (for me) are listed there.
2008.Mar.28, 11:08 AM
Thanks Hydro - i was getting upset that i was not on any list.
I must be on others as i get beat up lots :shock:
I am sure people as low as lvl 15 can kick my ass so why not give it a go. I give good.......

I must be on others as i get beat up lots :shock:
I am sure people as low as lvl 15 can kick my ass so why not give it a go. I give good.......
