2008.Jan.28, 07:50 PM
2008.Jan.28, 08:19 PM
wow, more bitter than my ex wife dipped in vinegar
2008.Jan.28, 08:44 PM
lol as the conversation goes on from villain to villain.. each whining about me hitting there members online.. so what.. are you not all keeping me in the hospital because i tried to do things right but got ignored.. yea so i hospitalized the one that talks crap and taunts me.. so what.. and you hit me over and over for days.. put bounty's on me.. and then you cry because the code punishes you for over and over hospitalizing.. wow.. does the code not benefit you or is it that you cant keep hitting people over and over.. i think both.. but if you cry loud enough you might get the code changed.. as for me.. sorry but i would rather stay in here by all of you just to get the enjoyment of jumping out when i please and hitting an online villain.. for the last 3 days 98% of my hits have been one person.. not anymore if everyones gunna hit me i will hit any online villain i can.. nothing personal but I'm given no respect so i will give none to villains.. you carry there tag you carry there resposabilitys... i do apologize in advance..
2008.Jan.28, 08:49 PM
well nitro, i see you have your forums privs back, welcome back! here's a couple msgs for you all to see what kind of mental midget we're dealing with here:
Sender : Nitromthn [6802] Date : 25 January 08 @ 7:36:05 pm Subject : RE No Subject) i aprecate your jester .. however strt is in that gang and he is the reason this started agian.. with his offline hits and taunting me.. your whole gang except him is clear from me.. i will not hit any other members but strt on or off line
and here's what he sent right afterwards when he tried to take his frustrations out only on strt but wasn't able to because strt is now stronger than him:
Sender : Nitromthn [6802] online Date : 25 January 08 @ 9:01:48 pm Subject : (No Subject) well i see it like this now.. either you remover the amour from strt or i continue the hits on all villians... simple they all hit me and then protect the %#$@ talker your all fair game..
you all be the judges.
Sender : Nitromthn [6802] Date : 25 January 08 @ 7:36:05 pm Subject : RE No Subject) i aprecate your jester .. however strt is in that gang and he is the reason this started agian.. with his offline hits and taunting me.. your whole gang except him is clear from me.. i will not hit any other members but strt on or off line
and here's what he sent right afterwards when he tried to take his frustrations out only on strt but wasn't able to because strt is now stronger than him:
Sender : Nitromthn [6802] online Date : 25 January 08 @ 9:01:48 pm Subject : (No Subject) well i see it like this now.. either you remover the amour from strt or i continue the hits on all villians... simple they all hit me and then protect the %#$@ talker your all fair game..
you all be the judges.
2008.Jan.28, 09:43 PM
judge it.. please..
2008.Jan.28, 09:52 PM
nitro, you stated yourself that you started this mess because strt was hitting you OFFLINE. strt can beat you and out of frustration you began to hit other villains which in return has earned you your hospitalizations. it's simple logic really, if you hit anyone with the villains tag you are in return going to get hit, that includes strt and all other villains bearing the tag.
the decision is up to you, if you stop hitting all villains, you stop getting hit. can't you understand simple logic?
the decision is up to you, if you stop hitting all villains, you stop getting hit. can't you understand simple logic?
2008.Jan.28, 09:53 PM
He is illogical captain.