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Full Version: Fairness in moderation
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Druchii Wrote:It would be helpful if you sent me a message in game when you think I have acted out of my place or not objective.

Or if this is about any other mod, that they get the same message.

Usually when all parties get a chance to explain themselves things have a way to work themselves out.

When I take a stand, I fight for that stand until I am proven wrong or convinced otherwise.

You only love me for my legs.


And since I told Pullo I can't be his secret loverboy, he decided no one shall have me!

Stay tuned for the next episode of the "Druchii and Pullo secret love affair", when love takes a dark turn!
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Bumpers
Somebody wants to keep his job. :roll:
it was a fair poll....
thatthingufear Wrote:
Ushanewnewba Wrote:Bumpers
Somebody wants to keep his job. :roll:

Nah, not about my volunteer "job" at all.

This poll had EXCELLENT points of view from both sides. Pullo and others did an outstanding job of getting their views across.

Dru also made some excellent points.

This was bumped to provide those in the other thread more info about the topic.


UHHHH, how long ago was that?

Mighke Posted: 26 Jan 2008 04:03

TheGeek Wrote:

SV Mods cannot, and should not lock threads involving SV members... There was nothing in that post against AL forum rules.

That is all. I'll go back to my hole in the wall.

Also, wasn't this a big discussion too. Let me also go back to a certain moderator's post with his comment about if it makes him wince it might be wrong.

i meant the poll... who the hell actually re-reads old threads?
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