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Full Version: Farked up EXP?
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I just wasted someone for the first time, and needless to say I was excited to watch it unfold. However, Upon further examination I realize that I only got 52 exp. for this unprecednted event.

Now, from my level you can deduce the level of player that I attack. And from there you can figure what kind of exp. I normally get. I figured that being the first time I could take this schnuka I would load up on Exp..

Anyone else finding this problem?


mayb that player's lvl is high, but the stats are lower than what its supposed to be. but it was a problem for me from 2 exp targets a while back. they lvl up a lot, but they leave their stats as is.


But only 52 XP?????? I have hit higher targets with bad stats and/or weapons/armor and received more than that. Only time I receive that low is if I hit a target levels and levels below me. Probably just a fluke there.
You honorably defeat greengrow in combat. You walk away and let your defeated opponent sulk in their own misery.

Experience Earned : 39

lvl28 on lvl25 something is amiss


Thats the one...


that's all you get for attacking my homie


That might just be Greengrow having a bug on his player... haha. I've been getting reasonable EXP.
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