please bear over with me, I know that this is a video.
But couldn't we learn attack techniques like "gun kata", that we could use in combat to specialize us even more?
take a look:
I think this could be a very nice addition to AL.
I dunno, I like the idea. Like, running up walls and then shooting them. RapidDog runs up the wall and flips, before ferociouslly snapping your buttox for 704 points of damage... looks like a good idea to me man.
Druchii Wrote:couldn't we learn attack techniques like "gun kata", that we could use in combat to specialize us even more?
interesting idea. Perhaps you could be provided with the general attacks (leave them, mug, berserk) but special moves would become available at different levels and you would have to train a finite amount to master the skill once your level makes it available to you.
Well my main idea was to implement stuff like this into school. You could learn certain moves, and then learn more ranks of that move or have several moves on lower ranks etc.
and under items you could get a technique button, where you could choose what moves you would emphasize on, and it could cost extra energy to use special moves in fights, more special moves = more damage and more EP spent on that fight.
Could either be defensive moves that can be applied when you are defending and then energy points would be automatically subtracted from EP bar, and if no EP available you wouldn't get to do that special defensive move.
cost of move could be 1 Energy point as a base cost, and then 1 energy point each 10 levels. so that on level 10 it would cost 2 energy points to use a special move.
all in the name of customization
just watch the link to see how its done
lmao....rick astley

I have spent months hoping that those moves would be implemented into the game. Luckily for me I did some serious roller skating to Rick.
seriouslt whats with everyone and that video..... i dont get it... other than the fact that its extremely dumb
I want that 3 minutes back. what a pointless waste of time.
you want to be able to climb a wall... in a game that doesn't have any graphics... ok then.
And bite there butox. Depending on what type of Rabid animal of course.
Druchii Wrote:Well my main idea was to implement stuff like this into school. You could learn certain moves, and then learn more ranks of that move or have several moves on lower ranks etc.
and under items you could get a technique button, where you could choose what moves you would emphasize on, and it could cost extra energy to use special moves in fights, more special moves = more damage and more EP spent on that fight.
Could either be defensive moves that can be applied when you are defending and then energy points would be automatically subtracted from EP bar, and if no EP available you wouldn't get to do that special defensive move.
cost of move could be 1 Energy point as a base cost, and then 1 energy point each 10 levels. so that on level 10 it would cost 2 energy points to use a special move.
all in the name of customization
just watch the link to see how its done
your idea is quite elaborate.