LuparKoor Wrote:at level 50 you would unlock the ability to clone yourself. This would allow you to have two characters, on the same account, not two different accounts, and you could switch back and forth at your leisure. Your clone would start at level 1, and would gain a bonus 10% on all gym trains due to his good genetics (since obviously the person he is cloned from was strong enough to get to 50).
Koor, Your idea is very interesting, incredibly imaginative and extremely well thought out. I like it very much. However, I don't think it has to be implemented INSTEAD OF providing more targets for upper level players.
Personally, I would still want to level as pullo. For what it's worth, it wasn't difficult to reach 50 due to lack of targets, but rather because it requires over 312k experience points. And there's always online attacks, which are not against the rules. Don't get me wrong, the lack of targets is frustrating, but nowhere near the impediment of over 312k experience points.
I think it would be a great feature to add to the game, but not if it's instead of adding more targets. I'm gonna keep leveling.

Hah, no I was not saying your 50 would just be a trophy once you hit that. My idea was one that looks like it could probably be a somewhat easy thing to do (not incredibly so) and would provide something to keep you interested in the game while Zen decides on what to do for the higher levels.
One problem in having a sprinter, like yourself, is that you give Zenith a run for her money in trying to come up with new weapons/gear/areas for you to explore, while still improving the lower levels of the game. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with your rise to the top, some people like to be number one, but then again there are people like myself who've been around forever, and would like to experience new features while avoiding the monotony of just leveling, adding a bit more damage and hitpoints per level and seeing same things, different icons/names.
Ive played several of these games, and they end up getting ridiculous when the only difference between level 1 and 100 is a massive bank account, a few extra 1's and 0's, and yet another insanely expensive house to purchase, just so you can get 5 more points per train.
If Zenith tackled the clone thing now, and said she'd focus more on high end content in the coming months, would that work for you?
One perk of having the clone system, is that it would actually encourage some players to hurry to fifty, instead of sitting and statting up in their 30's.
LuparKoor Wrote:One problem in having a sprinter, like yourself, is that you give Zenith a run for her money in trying to come up with new weapons/gear/areas for you to explore, while still improving the lower levels of the game. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with your rise to the top, some people like to be number one, but then again there are people like myself who've been around forever, and would like to experience new features while avoiding the monotony of just leveling, adding a bit more damage and hitpoints per level and seeing same things, different icons/names.
Good point Koor. But some of the cities have very little there. So presumably, they aren't that taxing to zen. At least, I hope not.
Anyway, I really like your idea and hope it gets implemented.
looks like the clones have been released....
Villains TitusPullo 6 97 Tried to steal a clunker. Bail Bust
Mighke Wrote:filthymick Wrote:looks like the clones have been released....
Villains TitusPullo 6 97 Tried to steal a clunker. Bail Bust
awww that's cute 
The only thing I see wrong with that is it said Villians TitusPullo instead of H4H TitusPullo. LOL
zenith Wrote:I think it's pretty interesting, but apparently people would rather joke around.
i agree, it seems when somebody tries to do something or to give a good idea ,there is those that can not do the simple thing,just give their thoughts on the subject,but have to male wise cracks and jokes
for myself it is a great idea , but it would probally take some time to get used to
shadowinc Wrote:i agree, it seems when somebody tries to do something or to give a good idea ,there is those that can not do the simple thing,just give their thoughts on the subject,but have to male wise cracks and jokes
meh, some people are just too damn uptight
I know its the clones we came here for, but i'm still very interested in the LASER TURKEYS....
wat if they were equipped like the armor shield belt, but were like an attack pet? instead of a defense bonus, you could have an attack bonus. maybe 5%? idk, just an idea for the LASER TURKEYS.