huh, is there max level houses for some areas? if so i have the max level house for my area otherwise it si not diosplaying the costs for me.
but ponies are prettier than houses!
Yes, you can only get certain houses in certain areas now. If you have the max house for that area then it won't show lower houses. So just travel to the next highest area and you should see those houses.
bunny ranch? Isn't that the name of that brothel in las vegas?
lmao....i need to by myself a bunny ranch 8)
i'll sette for a bunny or three
hmm that dint work elts try
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the forums are not cooperating with my ascii
Eirikur Wrote:the forums are not cooperating with my ascii

why you so mean to me zenith? and to think i did that thing you like with the you know what i am talking about for you...
Great idea Chris. I am 300,000 short of a Ranch. How much do i need to donate to get that?