I thought it was pretty funny and good that Err made a contest to bust him. I say contest because the jailtime was not from a crime or by attacking somebody else. I think Err is good and all because I have been helped with an issue in the past but I feel this contest was tailored toward higher level players and not all of AL. I think it was good that Punisher got him out and got the credits and had a darn good jail bust time but I think this was totally unfair to the rest of AL. I personally feel that this was not fair and that any future contests if arranged be eligible from the newly started LVL 1 player up to the LVL 50 player (most likely higher when the next comp comes out). I think Punisher is one of a few players in AL I feel have standards and moral and I only respect one person in SVs more than himself. Punisher would wait until my gang was offline (in case I had war plans) before declaring whereas others would not. However, I feel that either instead of sitting on the PoI like this he should either have an asterisk near his name or maybe a tag saying best time in the "Err Jail Busting Contest but as far as #1 goes for me personally I will always consider Weebay as best time so far until somebody else gets better. I am 99.999999999% sure I will be receiving repercussions for this by getting attacked at least 5 times as much now by his gang with online hits coming again as well as hospitalizations I am sure but I voice my opinions regardless of what may happen to me. I was hit by the best for 4 months for stating my opinions so this will be messed up but not really phase me that much. If anyone wants to criticize me on this thread feel free to do so. If you agree with me you can either PM me or vote like I am going to vote here where I feel ALL contests should be for all players of AL and not a selected few. Please do not voice your agreement here unless you do not mind possible repercussions from it also.
Top 50 Individual Jail Busts
Rank User Minutes Saved
1 Villains Punisher 925
2 }DIS{ Weebay 638
I feel there should be an asterisk above as this was not for all players.
Here's some cheese to go with that whine.
![[Image: cheese.jpg]](http://lauramartinez.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/cheese.jpg)
I definitely think there should be some balance. If there are some contests that only high level players can win, or compete in, great. Just as long as there is a little balance and some competitions arise that cater to lower level players.
So having contests that only high levelers can win isn't necessarily bad just as long as there are some contests that somewhat exclude them so the low levels have an opportunity for a grand prize too
And throwing in some contests that everyone has a fair shot at winning would be cool too

i voted NO, but then i read your message :oops:
there are 2 kind of contests:
1. Contests organized by the Admins
2. Contests organized by players
logically, if a contest was organized by an Admin, everyone should have a chance..
well, this time we could forgive Er..we all know the reason why he was

You read mine or his? lol
I'm not bashin on err or anything. I saw that contest and was like, there's no way in hell I could even try that lol but I wasn't upset that I couldn't participate.
I think that one was more of a show of appreciation to the players who have put a lot of time and effort into AL, so he decided to give a little something back.
So I have no real issue with something like that popping up every now and again, just as long as most of the contests do have some balance. I wasn't speaking directly on that one contests, more so in general

Quote:I am 99.999999999% sure I will be receiving repercussions for this by getting attacked at least 5 times as much now by his gang with online hits coming again as well as hospitalizations I am sure but I voice my opinions regardless of what may happen to me. I was hit by the best for 4 months for stating my opinions so this will be messed up but not really phase me that much.
i commend you for speaking up and not being afraid of repurcussions!
i hope you don't get put in the hospital for this. If you do though, i'll send some stims. I agree with you, i think that err was just putting on a spontaneous contest though, don't fret, i'm sure Zenith has some sweet competitions on the way that everyone can enjoy!
just be happy players and admins offer contests, most are pretty fair, but some just focus on certain levels. I personally didnt see it as a contest, because Err was just having a little fun, it was a total fluke that he got busted as soon as he did (it could have lasted hours), I mean just look at what happened with cheetah's 43 bust attempts. It was luck, and a kind gesture from Err
If people whine everytime an admin gives us a little fun, they're just gonna stop. I say we should take what they give us and quit whining if we dont win, hopefully we'll have some more chances
Oh yeah, I agree there. Appreciation contests are good too. Just think prizes awarded should be noted as such instead of general.

I was just stating that the PoI entry should be for the people who either were caught for attacking somebody, failing a crime horrendously, or even as in the case with Camster98 of being a bot and trying to run a script where you constantly refresh and he was caught. LOL.
where was it announced as a contest?