The problem with this system is that it takes a lot longer to level up in awakenedlands than in other games, so erasing someone's exp can erase a lot of work. This is fine for people doing it intentionally, but I remember when I first found out about this system inadvertantly and lost half a bar of exp. I was pretty steamed. The best solution I can think of is that when a user tries to navigate away from the combat page, have a prompt come up that asks them if they still wish to continue, and tell them what the consequenses are.
Funkonaut Wrote:The problem with this system is that it takes a lot longer to level up in awakenedlands than in other games, so erasing someone's exp can erase a lot of work. This is fine for people doing it intentionally, but I remember when I first found out about this system inadvertantly and lost half a bar of exp. I was pretty steamed. The best solution I can think of is that when a user tries to navigate away from the combat page, have a prompt come up that asks them if they still wish to continue, and tell them what the consequenses are.
Hmm, yes. But, what if they were sneaky and disabled JavaScript or some other similar language? The prompt would never come up. The only way I see this issue being resolved is on the server-side. Pretty much every thing on the client-side can be tampered with.
Dragon Wrote:I didn't know that when you attack, you couldn't be attacked. Or is that correct? Even if this is so, the code on every page is checking if you are in combat, not your opponent. If you can't attack a player, while they're in combat, then that makes no sense to me. It's like some mystical power overwhelmes the attacker from attacking some one who is already fighting. I personally, would love to see handicap combat.
The reason we don't allow players to attack someone already in combat (either the attacker or defender) is because the original code is majorly flawed in that aspect. The original code didn't account for multiple opponents, and the person attacking someone who already lost would lose all their XP.
what about when site blacks outs and refuses to load when im in attacking mode? do i still lose all xp?
yep, site stopped loading, all other pages worked, and now i lost two days worth of xp due to it... ffs wont see me attacking anytime soon when the risks outweigh the 10xp gain
wait my xp is back HALLELUJA!!!!!!

fantastic! whew, thought my sanity was done for a min there
Druchii Wrote:what about when site blacks outs and refuses to load when im in attacking mode? do i still lose all xp?
You tell me, are you missing the XP?


and i even stopped choking on the morning coffee lol
regarding the XP rule, maybe having a 3 strikes rule would be nice, this way people would try to bite over more then they can chew.
or if there was a "Try to run away" button, under the attack system, one could actually try to run away from the battle if you see youre opponent flash a fully automatic AK47 with uranium charged dumdum slugs.
running away from battle should not always work, and would have a 50% chance that the opponent get in a critical hit in the back of the fleeing opponent. Hows that for a middleway?
I think a spell in hospital for running away and a 25% loss of exp. It only happened to me once a long time ago and i did not do it intentionally (i still can spell) If i lost the lot now i would be really upset as i takes ages to get exp. I agree that the exploiters should be punished.