We need some. These 40 and 50 buck trainers will drain cash faster than simple crimes allow the simple crime doers to earn... and then what's the alternative?
oh. oh yeah.
But some 31, 33, 35 AP, high-payout crimes would be cool.
mtngti Wrote:We need some. These 40 and 50 buck trainers will drain cash faster than simple crimes allow the simple crime doers to earn... and then what's the alternative?
oh. oh yeah.
But some 31, 33, 35 AP, high-payout crimes would be cool.
100% agreed...The big trainers are killing me and I am bored stealing porn and making meth.
Might be cool to introduce a new feature for the higher ap crimes too, more risk vs reward. Make em pay out pretty big, but other than just getting jailed for critical fails, maybe SWAT cuts you down like in some gang crimes? =] Of course you could always stiim out, but thats hurting your bottom line!
mtngti Wrote:These 40 and 50 buck trainers...
when will be able to see those in my gym page..i only have the Novice and the Experienced trainers, which costs 5 and 10$ per energy point?
you need
reputation level 2 for the $20 trainer
reputation level 3 for the $30 trainer
reputation level 4 for the $40 trainer
reputation level 5 for the $50 trainer
you can increase your rep by cashing in career points.
or there's a class that gives you 20 reputation points; enough to get to rating 2
that too. it does take quite a while to boost it up - via class or career.
Extortion,and home invasion,two crimes that they could put in the crime page they could be high ap crimes maybe even extacy manufacturing,sound good to anyone else?
i like home invasion!
how about storage locker theft