I don't care what all of you young whipper snappers do, just keep the noise down, I goto bed at sundown! =P You young'ns have it too easy nowadays. We used to have to hike 8 miles uphill both ways in the snow with no shoes to buy beer, and we were THANKFUL just to not be working at the ol' mill that day.
ol' mill? was that next to the old McAdams?
Look for me on Marlo's couch... I will be Turtle to his Vince....

i just moved into teh block too >.> lol
When you guys going to get into them Ranches?
SimonAnything Wrote:When you guys going to get into them Ranches?
when making another 1mil doesnt seem like such a daunting task ;p lol
pffft.... the ranch is where its @.
we be baaaaaalllin