When people log on during easter it could just say pick an egg. And you would have like5 diffrent color choices. And you could make it like the grab bags in ToH, just with money only.
yea exept money it could be like prizez like credits or sumthin 8)
Be able to grab an egg every hour or 2, possibly. They all have numbers on them. Zenith picks a few numbers, and the winners get grand prizes, eh?
TommiTheTaco Wrote:Be able to grab an egg every hour or 2, possibly. They all have numbers on them. Zenith picks a few numbers, and the winners get grand prizes, eh?
Greedy Bastard!!!!!!
Hey. Everyone loves a raffle. The eggs could cost $$$, or you can have mini-games(Like carnivals or luncheons). If you win the mini-game, you get an egg with a number on it.
It'd be fun. I promise.
It's gone from a gymday on Easter. To arguing about when the contest should be, and now it's at people wanting free easter bags. WTF :? lol. We should all just get a Beach house waiting for us when we hit level 40.
What about something for the Jews?
I want to get my Chametz on!
On April's fool, I'd put a error 404 mainpage, so most players freaks out.
Awww. They're not supposed to expect it. XD It just gave me an idea, though. Since there's gonna be nothin' for Easter, wait to do something for April Fool's Day. :> Zenith puts it to where certain events'll happen durin' certain parts of the day to the certain people that trigger these events.
Like, all of a sudden, you're lvl 99 :shock: